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Tuesday, January 28, 2014

It's time....

I've been doing a little 'reconstruction' to my blog. Please bare with me as I am learning the ropes a step at a time.

As I reflect on my past, our past, I realize that this time, right now, has been carved out for me to write.

My original plan was to start writing when the last two girls were in school, five years ago. BUT, the very same month that all the children were finally in school, we learned of our miracle.

My story was not ready to write. So many chapters have been added. Everything has fallen into place and it is ready now.

My ambition will keep me going as another dream comes true.

Thank you in advance for all of your help!

Saturday, January 4, 2014

6 Joyful Things

                          Some things that make me happy.

Quite honestly, I could not. live. without. it!

Yes these are what they seem. These make me happy because I haven't had to change a pull up in three days! It's also bittersweet because this means my last toddler just graduated to a preschooler.

Meat Masher, one of my favorite tools.

Sweet Wine

This lotion smells sooooo good. Haha it's not what you're thinking. It smells like some kind of berry.

Organic Strawberries picked fresh from the bountiful Amish strawberry fields. I cleaned, cut and froze so many that I get to enjoy them six months after harvest.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

An Unexpected Miracle

My life forever changed fifteen months ago!! A solid step forward as I changed my diet, turned into many more SOLID STEPS to the unexpected revelation. My only goal at that time was to try to remedy my current issue, to rid myself of the recurring UTI’s, five in a row.

I researched for ten solid months. I could blog on and on about the shit in our foods that I will no longer eat or make for my family , but I don't have time for that. I’ve already spent months on it and quite frankly, I'm disgusted that one even has to do such research. BUT I am soooo glad I did.  

My starting point was this website I immediately cleared the cupboards, pantry, fridge and freezer and started the 100 day challenge. It was easy to do, especially because I do like to cook. We weren't big on processed foods anyway, but what my research has taught me about what is in our food has completely floored me. Now, I'm just changing our diet for the sake of our general health.

After the ten months of sifting through and poring over loads of information I finally connected all of my health issues to gluten. Yes, gluten and yes, all of them.

I could have, would have never imagined that all these years have been needless suffering. I guess that’s what happens when you modify the natural make up of a simple crop all in the name of greed.

You will see that what we are eating, cleverly disguised as a bran muffin or onion ciabatta, is not really wheat at all but the transformed product of genetic research conducted during the latter half of the twentieth century. Modern wheat is no more real wheat than a chimpanzee is an approximation of a human. ~Dr. William Davis

I stopped eating gluten fifteen months ago and never looked back. I feel grand! I dropped 38 pounds, my Fibomyalsia symptoms are 90% better and my horrible Endometriosis symptoms are darn near gone (my greatest accomplishment).

It is such a profound change that I am altered, my life has shifted, an unexplainable different that is beyond what my words can express. And I am so damn proud.